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Jun 2024

Zero Emission Transport

Frauenthal relies on sustainable urban logistics.

Jun 2024

ISZ Cup 2025
Start collecting miles

The starting signal has been given!

May 2024

New Press
in Slovakia

The new 630-ton press in Cadca, Slovakia, has been installed!

Feb 2024

Robert Just becomes new
Member of the Executive Board of Frauenthal Handel Group AG

Following the resignation of Thomas Stadlhofer, the Frauenthal Handel Group has nominated Robert Just as its new CEO.

Jan 2024

Frauenthal EXPO 2024
Review of the Record Trade Exhibition

Frauenthal EXPO 2024 was a record-breaking event. With 163 exhibitors, more partners than ever before and almost 10,200 visitors, a spectacular record was set.

2024 Frauenthal Holding | Imprint |Data protection |Contact

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