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Dec 2015

83,000 EUR - donation from SHT and partners

"In 2015, we donated EUR 10,000 to the Lebenslicht association in Krumbach and, together with industry partners, as much as EUR 73,000 to the Lebensart association in Kaltenleutgeben, both in Lower Austria."

Sep 2015

Gnotec takes new big order in China

Gnotec Kunshan (China) can be pleased about a new major order with an annual volume of eight million euros.

May 2015

Investment worth millions creates 36 new jobs in Elterlein

The Frauenthal Group is investing around MEUR 4 in the German air reservoir plant and hiring a total of 36 new employees.

Apr 2015

First monoblock servo press for Scandinavia

Schuler has handed over a monoblock servo press to the Swedish automotive supplier Gnotec Kinnared AB.

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