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Frauenthal Holding AG

The Group headquarters in Vienna is responsible for Group development, manages the strategic orientation of the divisions and performs reporting and investor relations functions.

The holding company is responsible for structuring and managing Group financing, defining the strategic focus of each division, as well as implementing strategic projects – especially in relation to corporate transactions – and HR policies for senior management. All operational decisions are taken locally.


  • is a diversified group;
  • Sees itself as an active investor with long-term investment cycles,
  • Invests in growth in order to achieve an attractive ROCE;
  • Aims for leading positions in the markets in which it operates;
  • Makes acquisitions aiming the achievement of competitive returns in order to extend its customer relationships, product portfolio, and geographical reach and/or key competencies;
  • Has gained defensible competitive advantage by offering customer benefits in the shape of superior product and service quality,
  • Operates divestments if achievable further increase in value for Frauenthal Holding AG is no longer sufficient.

Frauenthal is an active, dynamic investor. We actively seek attractive investment opportunities that will sustainably strengthen our Group and generate shareholder value.

Historically, the Frauenthal Group has always transformed itself through transactions, in addition to organic growth. In the last 15 years we have successfully completed more than 20 acquisitions and disposals. With an team we have the resources and expertise to efficiently analyze and execute projects internally.

Extensive management competencies in the areas of M&A, restructuring and turnaround management, as well as proven expertise in the development of industrial and trading companies enable the professional execution and integration of national and international transactions.

The combination of many years of transaction experience and our strategic approach makes us the perfect partner in succession situations, for private equity companies and spin-offs of larger companies as well as turn-around situations.

Long-term buy-and-build strategy

We pursue a long-term buy-and-build strategy and strengthen our business areas through targeted acquisitions and cooperations:

  • For Frauenthal Handel, we are on the lookout for companies with adjacent product and customer groups that will benefit from sharing Frauenthal's infrastructure, logistics, showrooms and expertise as a leading wholesaler. Here we focus on the core market of Austria and neighboring countries.
  • Frauenthal Automotive is particularly interested in companies that operate in the same production processes and add new customers or products to our existing business areas. Geographically, we focus on companies in the DACH region, CEE, China and the USA.

In addition, Frauenthal is open to investing in a third, independent platform.

Excellent track record

If the Frauenthal Group can no longer adequately support further growth in an area due to limited resources or risk preferences, we carefully evaluate the option of divestment, taking into account the current market situation. Optimizing investment cycles is essential for the long-term, continuous increase in the value of the company. In doing so, Frauenthal is not bound by any externally imposed criteria.

2024 Frauenthal Holding | Imprint |Data protection |Contact

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