Agreement at TRIGAMMA Vermögensverwaltung GmbH (formerly FVV)
Dr. Hannes Winkler is 100% owner of Ventana Holding GmbH and managing director of TRIGAMMA Vermögensverwaltung GmbH (formerly FVV Frauenthal Vermögensverwaltung GmbH). TRIGAMMA Vermögensverwaltung GmbH is owned 50% each by Dr. Hannes Winkler and Dr. Ernst Lemberger.
Hannes Winkler controls the listed Frauenthal Holding AG, Vienna, via the companies he controls: Ventana Holding GmbH, EPEX Management AG, EPE European Private Equity S.A., Tridelta Heal Beteiligungsgesellschaft S.A. and FT-Holding GmbH. The consolidated financial statements of Frauenthal Holding AG, Vienna, are included in the consolidated financial statements of Ventana Holding GmbH, Vienna, which prepares the consolidated financial statements for the largest group of companies.
TRIGAMMA Vermögensverwaltung GmbH is a minority shareholder in Tridelta Heal Beteiligungsgesellschaft S.A. and does not hold any direct shares in Frauenthal Holding AG, Vienna.
Dr. Ernst Lemberger leaves the company as part of an agreement in principle, and Dr. Hannes Winkler accordingly becomes the sole shareholder of TRIGAMMA Vermögensverwaltung GmbH. This transaction does not result in any change in the shareholder structure or control, and has no impact on Frauenthal Holding AG.
Hannes Winkler continues to control Frauenthal Holding AG and indirectly holds around 68% of the voting rights.
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